Five months ago, I was the stereotypical frazzled single mom that did everything, went everywhere, cleaned everything, cooked nothing (microwaved everything) and found very little time to myself. I wished many times that I could just have a few days to myself to do what I wanted to do, not be at the beck and call of my son (remember - I was married, sure, but still did it all alone). After my life changed, I experienced my first 3 days kid free. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. I had just moved into a condo and was all settled, so there I sat...on the couch staring at the TV (SpongeBob I'm quite certain since that's what I'm programmed to look for on TV these days) and thinking, "Is this REALLY the way I'm going to spend my kid free time?!?!"
Well, those days have long passed. I've found LOTS of ways to stay busy when X is with his dad. As I mentioned earlier, I've taken up running (again, more on that later), dating (yes, I said dating - pick your jaw up off the floor - a woman has needs) and spending time with my kid-less friends (love you!!) and co-workers (you guys rock!). HOWEVER, this past Sunday marked the first of 10 days X will be with his dad for "vacation". TEN WHOLE DAYS!?! This is the longest I've been away from X since he was born (5 very quick years ago). Luckily I have another moving expedition to keep me busy!
I'm moving back into my house! So excited and overwhelmed all at the same time. For those of you that know me, I'm NOT a home remodel/repair/maintenance/fixer-upper kind of a gal. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I'm rolling up my sleeves and digging in! I've been painting the house inside all new colors (to reflect the new leaf we'll be turning over living there) and evaluating the condo to sort out how to make this move happen as a one-woman show. I think this picture reflects most clearly how I feel these days.
I owe my mom a HUGE THANK YOU as she's rolled up her sleeves as well and really helped me bust out this painting business. By the way - if anyone needs help painting anytime soon - please God don't ask me!! ;)
I'm aiming for getting the move completed by end of the day tomorrow and looking forward to settling in again and surprising X with the house when I pick him up from daycare. I hope he loves this surprise and is happy to back in his home!
I can't wait to see it all finished. :) I love those days we get together. :)