I've never really been a fitness/exercise person. Oh, let's just be honest...if I could sit around all day, eating and drinking whatever I wanted (without the flabby repercussions) I would - and I'd love every minute of it! But I can't. And as I get older that fact becomes painfully clearer. So I try to do what I can to stay "in shape" and healthy. Recently, I've discovered Zumba. I L.O.V.E. Zumba! I love Zumba as much as I love reading. I love Zumba shoes & clothes. I love Zumba I've even started doing it at home, alone. Isn't that one of the first signs of addiction? Anyways...I want to have a place to share with you all some of my adventures in Zumba. I'll post some community events here as well and if you ever feel like joining me in my addiction, feel free! I like to suck people into my madness so I'm not doing it alone. :)
UPDATE: 10.27.11
This August marked my 3rd annual Portland to Coast (shout out to Blood, Sweat and Beers!) race with some of the most amazing women I know and am honored to have in my life! Shortly after the race, much talk was had about…GASP…running. I thought I wanted to be a runner a few years ago, but promptly gave that up. I really didn’t enjoy it and didn’t have a goal in mind.
This past Sunday marked my first 5k finish - the Run Like Hell (shout out to The zomBEE's)! I finished by the side of (well, more in the company of) four of those amazing women from PTC. And we ALL finished!! Today, I find myself day dreaming of going out for a run, missing my outings during lunch around the neighborhood – running off the stress of the day if I can’t get a run in and thinking about where I can find the next race to tackle.
Well, next race is already being discussed…Turkey Trot 2011!! I AM A RUNNER!